Every Sunday morning as we drove back and forth to church down Goodrich Road we passed the log cabin that was part of the Landow house. I found it endlessly fascinating, but never had the opportunity to go in.
Many years later my daughter had to make a log cabin as a school project. My mind immediately flashed to the same log cabin, now nestled securely in front of the Clarence Historical Society on Main Street. So off we went. It was a unique opportunity to give the kids a chance to see the real thing. We lucked out that day, as one of the volunteers restoring the cabin was there. He enthusiastically showed us around the inside, pointing out all the nooks and crannies that were put to utilitarian use.
We were ill-prepared at that time to appreciate all that he had told and shown us. Also, the second floor had yet to be stabilized for public viewing and safety. Luckily the WNY Heritage magazine did an in-depth story on this a few years later, complete with up-dated pictures after the restoration was complete (Summer 2004 - the issue is still available for purchase):
"The Town of Clarence, the oldest in Erie County (1808), has succeeded in restoring, for educational purposes, the best surviving pioneer Yankee log cabin in the county. The exemplary community effort restored an important architectural history document that will continue to grow in importance."It is named after one of the early settlers in the area who was most likely the builder (Levi Goodrich), and also the last residents (the Gustav Landow family). Clarence is fortunate to have such a treasure, and also the dedicated people who took such pride and care in restoring it for all to learn from and enjoy.